Fevzija Ajdin – Braco je rodjen prije mnogo ljeta u Konjicu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Rodio se u porodici koja je skoro u cijelini radila na zeljeznicama. Posao njegovog oca Zahida je vodio cijelu familiju od Sarajeva, do Konjica, preko Visegrada do Travnika, pa nazad do Sarajeva. Uz prugu je Braco provodio svoje djecacke i maladalcke dane, gdje je na sinama osluskivao dolazak voza i gdje su hukovi parnih lokomotiva oznacavali tacno vrijeme.
Zeljeznice su tako postale neodlomljivi dio Bracinog postojanja i sve je u njegovoj svakodnevnici bilo protkano “parnjacama”.
Kao inzinjer elektrotehnike je bio dugogodisnji uposlenik u Inspekciji jugoslovenskih zeljeznica (i ZBiH-a kasnije) gdje je svojim interesovanjem za istoriju zeljeznica, dao veliki doprinos kako profesionalsno tako i u kolekcionarskom aspektu, sa zeljom da sacuva i prenese na dalje generacije, znacaj zeljeznica koje su one imale na prostorima bivse Jugoslavije.
Kao kolekcionar bio je angazovan u sakupljanju i ocuvanju onog sto su bile uskotracne pruge i lokomotive koje su vozile tim tracnicama. Njegov hobi ga je doveo u dodir sa ljudima koji su dijelili tu njegovu istu strast sirom svijeta. Spojio je svoju znatizelju za istorijom sa svojim talentom za fotografiju, te su se kolekcija i arhiv povecavali ogromnom brzinom. Fotografije, negativi, jedinstveni dokumenti, zeljeznicki kalendari, istorijski clanci i modeli vozova su zauzimali sve vise i vise mjesta.
Knjiga “Historija Zeljeznica Bosne i Hercegovine”, koja je izasla u prvom izdanju 2004. god., je zbir istorijske naracije i fotografskog almanaha. Knjiga sadrzi geo-politicko-istorijsku hronologiju, prateci pocetak i razvoj zeljeznica na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine.
Braco, je i dalje u bliskom kontaktu sa lokalnim i inostranim kolekcionarima. Od kada je u mirovini, dane provodi sredjujuci arhivu, pronolazeci (ponovo) jedinstvene slike i dokumentacije koje su unikati za historijat zeljeznica na ovim prostorima.
Inace, pored zeljeznica, veliki je ljubitelj i fudbala, Formule 1, western filmova, te od rane mladosti svira gitaru i veliki je obozavatelj muzike.
Fevzija Ajdin – Braco was born many moons ago in Konjic, Bosnia Herzegovina. He was born to a family where the majority of its members already worked for the railways.
His father’s job brought the whole family from Sarajevo to Konjic, through Visegrad and Travnik and again back to Sarajevo. Braco spent his childhood and youth years next to the railway tracks, where he would listen to, through the sound on the tracks, the arrival of the train and where the steam locomotives’ puffs were marking the exact time.
This is how the railways became an inseparable part of Braco’s life and everything in his life was interwoven with steam trains.
As an electrical engineer, he was employed in the Yugoslavian Railways Inspection Department (later Railways of Bosnia Herzegovina), where he gave a huge professional contribution. At the same time, with his historic material collection, he was aiming to preserve what he could of the history of the railways and to pass the importance of the Yugoslavian railways on to future generations.
His aim as a collector was to gather all possible materials of the narrow gauge railways and steam trains that were travelling on those tracks. His hobby has put him in touch with passionate railway lovers from all over the World.
His railways’ history curiosity combined with his photographic talent, brought the archives to new heights. Photos, negatives, unique documents, railways’ calendars, historic papers, and train models were taking up more and more space every day.
The first edition of his book “History of the Railways of Bosnia Herzegovina”, has seen daylight in 2004. The book is a union of historical narration and photographic almanac; it includes a geo-political-historical chronology that follows the beginning and the development of the railways in Bosnia Herzegovina.
Braco is still in contact with local and worldwide collectors. Since he retired he is occupied with filing his archive, finding (again) rare photos and documents that are unique pieces of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian railways’ history.
Moreover, Braco is a big fan of football, Formula 1, and western movies. Since his early youth, he plays guitar which makes him also a huge music lover.